DM i Poetry Slam 2012!
DM i Poetry Slam samler de bedste slammere fra hele Danmark. København stiller op med fire, Fyn kommer med to, Århus med to og Ålborg med 1 – plus et wildcard. Denne eften bliver afholdt i den store sal på Den Fynske Opera, så der bliver masser af plads til begejstring. Vi lover vilde ord, fed stemning og noget af det bedste der kan samles af danske spoken word digtere pt. Vi glæder os til at se dig 🙂
Du kan allerede nu sikre dig en plads til det der med garanti bliver årets bedste spoken word show – køb dine billetter her!
De deltagende slammere er:
Fra Fyn:
1. Tobias Dalager
2. Kim Linnet
Fra Århus:
Fra Ålborg:
Fra KBH:
1. Karsten Østergaard Nielsen
2. Louise Cain
3.Jacob Hallgren
4. Christiane Hector
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Pia Kje6rsgaard.Ritzau ( Danish news agency) It is not only the Islamic faith socetiy that are criticizing the the deportations without due process of law, many legal experts are criticizing it as well? You can do that in relation to the terror laws, so is it. That is certainly no reason for criticism , said Pia Kje6rsgaard. The Islamic faith socetiy has been very muted in their comments at the press conference, by the way They are not going to send delegations to the Middle East. Allah be praised. One has got to admire the way they dissimulate and dodge and weave. I particularly admired this piece of pious crap, from Kasem Ahmad. I don’t think it fooled anybody, and it is what most likely irritated Pia. Please enjoy, it is absolutely priceless. While the faith socetiy means that it is wounding that many newspapers are publishing the drawings it is a different situation than the 30th of September when the Morning Paper published the 12 drawings.The difference is that the Jutland Post’s project was to show that Islam was ammunition for the terrorists. This time to show sympathy with a threatened cartoonist.